The Booty Report

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Arrr, Netanyahu be cancelin' parley with U.S. scallywags over Rafah! Aye, protestin' like a proper landlubber!


Arrr! Cap'n Biden be seekin' parley to avoid a bloody skirmish in Rafah. The scallywags be tryin' to find a better way forward afore things get too dicey. Aye, the land lubbers be lookin' to avoid a bloody mess.

Ahoy mateys! President Biden be seekin' high-level meetings to parlay about other options instead o' a planned raid into Rafah by Israel. The scallywags in the U.S. reckon that such an attack would lead to a bloodbath o' massive proportions, arrr!
Arrr, me hearties, Biden be tryin' to prevent a full-on assault that would surely result in a sea o' tears and lamentations. He be wantin' to find a better way to handle the situation without causin' a catastrophic loss o' life, by Blackbeard's ghost!
So, instead o' swords clashing and cannons roarin', Biden be tryin' to use diplomacy and negotiation to solve the crisis. He be lookin' for a peaceful resolution that won't leave a trail o' destruction in its wake, savvy?
Let's hope that these talks be successful and that the leaders can find a solution that doesn't involve plunderin' and pillagin'. Mayhaps they can find a way to avoid the storm clouds o' war and sail towards calmer waters, arrr!

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