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Arrr mateys! This fancy mt-sDNA test be crushin' the FIT test like a scallywag walkin' the plank!


Arrr matey! The newfangled multitarget stool DNA test be a fine tool for spyin' on colorectal cancer, but beware! It be a bit too sensitive, like a landlubber on a roller coaster. Stick to yer trusty FIT for now, savvy? <br> <i>Ye olde MDedge News</i>

Arrr mateys! Listen up ye scallywags! Thar be news from the high seas of medicine! A new multitarget stool DNA test be makin' waves in the fight against colorectal cancer. This test, known as BLUE-C, be havin' a higher sensitivity than the current FIT test. But beware, me hearties, for it also be havin' a lower specificity.
What does this mean, ye may ask? Well, it means that the BLUE-C test be better at catchin' colorectal cancer, but it also be sendin' more false alarms than a parrot with a squawk box! So, if ye be takin' this test, be prepared for the possibility of some false alarms, me buckos.
So, me fellow pirates, keep a weather eye on the horizon for more news about this new test. And remember, early detection be the key to fightin' off this scurvy disease. So, get yerself screened, me hearties, and may the winds of good health be at yer back! Yo ho ho!

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