The Booty Report

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Arrr! Regeneron's scallywag cancer potion be in troubled waters as FDA be raisin' questions 'bout its trials. Aye matey!


Arrr, me hearties! Regeneron Pharmaceuticals be tellin' us on Monday that the scurvy U.S. FDA be givin' a thumbs down for their blood cancer remedy for a couple types of lymphoma. Seems our pillaging and plunderin' didn't impress those fancy FDA folk! Aarrrr!

Arrr mateys! The scallywags at Regeneron Pharmaceuticals be walkin' the plank after the U.S. FDA gave 'em the ol' heave-ho for their blood cancer therapy. Seems the FDA be havin' some concerns about the progress of their ongoing trials for two forms of lymphoma. Them landlubbers better be swabbin' the decks and gettin' their act together if they want to see their therapy approved. Ye can't be messin' with the FDA, or ye'll end up feedin' the fishes!
It be a rough sea out there in the world of pharmaceuticals, with the FDA keepin' a close eye on every move ye make. Regeneron better be battening down the hatches and showin' some progress in their trials if they want to stay afloat. The FDA be the ultimate pirate captain, and they don't take kindly to those who don't play by the rules. So hoist the Jolly Roger and get to work, Regeneron! Arrr!

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