The Booty Report

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Arrr, them Dragon's Dogma 2 players be walkin' the plank before they even see it comin' thanks to them treacherous Pawns!


Arrrr, I reckon I can't rightly fault them scallywags for their shenanigans. 'Tis a pirate's life after all, full of pillaging and plundering. But mark me words, they better watch their backs, for I'll be on the lookout for any mutinous behavior!

Arrr mateys! Let me spin ye a tale of why I can't really blame those scallywags who be takin' to the high seas in search of plunder. Ye see, back in the day, a pirate's life be full of adventure and excitement. Swashbucklin' on the open ocean, pillagin' and plunderin' like there be no tomorrow. Who wouldn't be tempted by such a life of freedom and danger?
And let's not forget the treasures! Gold, silver, jewels beyond yer wildest dreams. It be enough to make any man throw caution to the wind and set sail for the horizon. Plus, who wouldn't want to drink rum all day and sing sea shanties with a crew of loyal mates?
So ye see, me hearties, I can't really blame those lads who decide to become pirates. The lure of the open sea, the promise of riches, and the thrill of the chase be enough to tempt even the most law-abidin' soul. And who knows, maybe one day I'll be joinin' them on the high seas, in search of adventure and fortune. But for now, I'll be content to spin yarns and raise a toast to those brave souls who dare to live the pirate's life.

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