The Booty Report

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Avast ye scallywags! 'Tis been 33 years since Advance Wars graced the Game Boy, now in a new tongue! Arrr!


Arrrr, mateys! War be like a scallywag tryin' to speak in fancy words! It be gettin' all mixed up like a drunken sailor on shore leave. Aye, sometimes ye gotta be decipherin' like a salty ol' pirate lookin' for buried treasure!

Arr matey, let me tell ye a tale about the wretched thing they call war. Aye, war be like a beast that rears its ugly head when nations be at odds with each other. It be a fierce battle, with cannons a-blazin' and swords a-clashin', as each side be fightin' for what they believe be rightfully theirs.
But ye see, the funny thing about war be that it be a tricky thing to understand. It be like tryin' to decipher the words of a drunken sailor - ye may think ye know what he be sayin', but in reality, it be a whole mess of nonsense. War be like that, makin' folks do crazy things and sayin' even crazier things.
So when folks be tryin' to explain war, they be talkin' in circles, twistin' their words like a snake tryin' to escape a mongoose. They be sayin' things like "War... War sometimes gets translated into language... as peace." Aye, ye heard me right, peace! But don't let that fool ye, for war be anythin' but peaceful.
So me hearties, remember this - war be a beast that be hard to tame, a language that be hard to understand. So keep a weather eye on the horizon, and pray that ye never have to face the wrath of war on the high seas.

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