The Booty Report

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Avast ye mateys, brace yerselves for Helldivers 2! Arrowhead be talkin' 'bout gatling guns, arrr, with some fancy mechanics.


Arrr, me hearties! The noble Director Johan Pilestedt be havin' a grand notion for a Helldivers 2 Gatling gun. Aye, ye best be keepin' an eye out for this fearsome weapon of destruction on the high seas. Yarrr!

Arr matey! Listen up ye scallywags, I've got some news for ye about Helldivers 2! Director Johan Pilestedt be thinkin' about addin' a Gatling gun to the game, aye. A weapon fit for a mighty pirate like meself, I reckon.
Imagine sailin' the seven seas with a massive Gatling gun in hand, takin' down enemies left and right with a flurry of bullets. It'd be a sight to behold, I tell ye!
But let's not get too ahead of ourselves, me hearties. This be just an idea from the good ol' director, so there be no tellin' if it'll actually come to fruition. But a pirate can dream, can't he?
So keep a weather eye out for any news about Helldivers 2, me fellow buccaneers. Who knows what other treasures and weapons may be in store for us in the future. Until then, may the winds be at yer back and the seas be calm. Yo ho ho!

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