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Arrr, Erin Hawley be defendin' the unborn like a fine pirate defendin' his treasure. Ye pill be cursed!


Avast ye scallywags! The goodly wench Erin Hawley, a learned law professor and betrothed to Senator Josh Hawley, be butting heads with the Supreme Court like a feisty sea dog. Methinks she be seeking justice for all, even us lowly pirates! Arrr!

Avast ye mateys! Listen up, for I have a tale to tell ye of a feisty wench by the name of Erin Hawley. This fair maiden be not just any ordinary lass, but a law professor and the wife of none other than the infamous Senator Josh Hawley.
Now, this Erin Hawley be a fierce warrior in the courts, as she be arguing a case before the Supreme Court. Aye, ye heard me right! This lass be takin' on the highest court in the land, ready to defend her cause with all her might.
But fear not, me hearties, for Erin be no ordinary damsel in distress. Nay, she be a force to be reckoned with, a legal eagle who be fightin' for justice and truth. With her sharp wit and cunning intellect, she be sure to give them justices a run for their doubloons.
So raise a tankard to Erin Hawley, the brave buccaneer of the courtroom, as she sets sail on the high seas of justice. May the winds be at her back and the law be on her side, for she be a true pirate of the legal world!

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