The Booty Report

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Arrr! The scallywags be joinin' forces to fight the treacherous crimes o' the financial seas, mateys! Aye aye!


Arr mateys, ye scurvy dogs at the U.S. Department of Justice be joinin' forces with them landlubbers in Cyprus to take down them slippery sea rats commitin' financial crimes. Avast ye, thar be no escape from the long arm of the law! Aye, shiver me timbers!

Ahoy mateys! The United States and Cyprus have joined forces to battle money laundering and sanctions evasion like a couple of scallywags on the high seas. Arrr, they be formalizing their collaboration to tackle financial crimes with the help of U.S. expertise, ye see.Cyprus be freezing $1.3 billion in Russian-owned assets, a treasure trove fit for a pirate's plunder! The FBI and Cypriot police be signin' an agreement soon, with the U.S. Department of Justice lendin' a hand to sniff out, investigate, and prosecute financial crimes in Cyprus.The Cypriot President be callin' on FBI and Justice Department officials to help investigate allegations of Russian oligarchs dodgin' international sanctions with the help of Cypriot financial service providers. Despite Cyprus claimin' they be followin' international sanctions against Russia, the U.S. be accusin' Cypriot-based companies, lawyers, and accountants of aidin' in dodgin' the sanctions like a sneaky band of pirates.

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