The Booty Report

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Avast ye mateys! A "critical problem" hath caused a wild tool in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Ye better watch yer soup! Arrrr!


Arr matey, be jolly! Yer broth be free from danger now. No need to fret, ye can slurp it down without fear. Savour the taste of victory me hearties, for the soup be out of harm's way. Aye, be grateful for this blessing from the culinary seas!

Arrr me hearties, listen up ye scallywags! I be pleased as a parrot with a shiny new perch to tell ye that yer soup be free from any treacherous schemes or foul play. Aye, I can assure ye that no swindling rascals have tampered with yer grub, so ye can slurp away without a care in the world!
Me trusty crew be on high alert, keepin' a keen eye out for any scurvy dogs who dare to mess with our precious cargo. The ol' cook be watchin' over the pot like a hawk, makin' sure no bilge rat gets the chance to spoil our feast. So fear not, me hearties, for yer bellies will be filled with the finest soup to ever float on the high seas!
And if any scallywag be foolish enough to try and taint our soup, they'll be walkin' the plank faster than ye can say "shiver me timbers!" So raise yer bowls high, me mateys, and dig in without a worry in the world. Yer soup be safe and sound, thanks to the vigilance of this here crew of salty sea dogs!

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