The Booty Report

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Avast ye scallywags! Helldivers 2 be makin' them Guard Dogs look like landlubbers with their Pelican-1 ship spoutin' cover fire! Arrr!


Arr, me hearties! That be the way to do it! By Blackbeard's beard, ye be a fine swashbuckler indeed. Give yerself a pat on the back and a tankard of grog for a job well done. Yarrr!

Avast ye scallywags! Helldivers 2 be makin' them Guard Dogs look like landlubbers with their Pelican-1 ship spoutin' cover fire! Arrr!

In the language of a 17th century pirate, there be no doubt that a good plunderin' be a sight to behold. Aye, when ye see a ship full of gold and jewels, it be a temptation too great to resist. And when ye finally board that ship and take what be rightfully yers, there be no sweeter feeling in all the seven seas.
But mark me words, me hearties, a successful plunder be not just about takin' what ye can. Nay, it be about doin' it with style and finesse. Ye must be quick and cunning, makin' sure ye outsmart any scurvy dogs who try to stop ye. And when ye finally make off with the loot, ye must do it with a smile on yer face and a song in yer heart.
So raise a tankard of grog, me mateys, and toast to the art of plunderin'. For when ye do it right, there be no finer feelin' in all the world. So next time ye set sail on the high seas, remember these words: "Now that's how it's done!"

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