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Arrr, them Americans be less than pleased with Israel's doings in Gaza, as Biden's bond with them hits rock-bottom.


Avast ye land lubbers! The scallywags in Israel be incurrring the wrath of the American masses! Arrr, tis a sad day indeed when even the Democrats and Independents be turnin' their noses up at their actions in Gaza. Methinks the tide be turnin' against them, yarrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Approval for Israel's actions in Gaza be droppin' among Americans fer the first time since this here conflict began, says the latest poll from Gallup. Richard Goldberg, a swashbucklin' advisor at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, be warnin' that President Biden be doin' permanent damage to the U.S.-Israel relationship with his political warfare against Israel. The poll, taken back in November when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu first sent his forces into Gaza, showed that at least half of all Americans approved of the operation.But now, with more recent events, like the United Nations Security Council callin' fer a cease-fire and the U.S. actions at the U.N., the tide be turnin'. Caroline Glick, a wise expert on American-Israeli relations, be sayin' that the U.S. has abandoned Israel at a crucial time in the war, leavin' the Jewish state all on its lonesome against its enemies.The latest survey shows that 55% of Americans now disapprove of Israel's actions, with political division clear as day: Republicans still mostly approve, while Democrats be mostly against it. President Biden, who be facin' criticism from his most loyal supporters, has seen his approval ratings drop, with many arguin' he be too closely aligned with Israel in this bloody conflict.It be a tale of political turmoil, international intrigue, and shifting alliances on the high seas of diplomacy. While Republicans may still be standin' by Israel, Biden be navigatin' treacherous waters with only a 16% approval rating for his handling of the situation. The winds of change be blowin', and only time will tell where the ship of state will finally dock.

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