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Arrr! Pakistan be checkin' the blood of the dastardly scallywag who sent 5 Chinese souls to Davy Jones' Locker!


Arrr mateys, them Pakistani scallywags be plannin' to do some fancy DNA testin' on the bones of the scurvy dog who blew himself to bits in Shangla! Aye, 'tis a strange world we live in, where even the dead must be tested for their crimes!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, Pakistani authorities be on the hunt to perform DNA testing on the remains of the scallywag who be the suicide bomber that rammed his explosive-laden vessel into a vehicle in the country's northwest, sending five Chinese nationals and their local shipmate to Davy Jones' locker, officials revealed on Wednesday.The attack took place in Shangla, a district in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province where a swarm of Chinese nationals toil on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, which be home to a treasure trove of megaprojects like road construction, power plants, and agriculture. The CPEC be a lifeline for Pakistan’s government, currently facing a stormy economic sea.The unlucky five were engineers and laborers on their way to the Dasu Dam, the biggest hydropower project in Pakistan where they worked. Their remains were transported to the capital, Islamabad, as reported by local police official Altaf Khan, who mentioned that the deceased were guarded by the constabulary at the time of the attack.Reports indicate that Pakistani officials have shared their findings with the Chinese crew, and China plans to send over its own experts to investigate the attack site in collaboration with the Pakistani shipmates. Khan also mentioned that they be broadening the search for the attacker's possible accomplices, hoping to bring them to justice.No group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack, but all eyes be on separatists and the breakaway Gul Bahadur faction of Pakistani Taliban, known as TTP. The TTP denied involvement in the attack, claiming to be innocent of plundering the Chinese engineers.The attack comes on the heels of Pakistani forces thwarting a separatist attack near the Chinese-funded port of Gwadar, where eight militants met their doom. The Chinese foreign ministry condemned the attack and urged Pakistan to swiftly investigate and bring the swashbucklers to justice to safeguard the fruitful China-Pakistan cooperation.Pakistan's Prime Minister made a pledge to the Chinese ambassador to swiftly conclude the investigation and ensure the safety of all foreign crews in the land. Chinese laborers on CPEC projects in Pakistan have faced peril in the past, with past attacks prompting Chinese companies to cease operations temporarily. Let's hope the pirates responsible for these attacks meet their just fate in the depths of the sea.

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