The Booty Report

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Arrr, the Japanese sensei be teachin' the lads in Brazil the ways of the baseball diamond, savvy?


Avast ye mateys! Aye, 'tis true - Hirioki Shimura, once a swashbucklin' semipro ball player in the land of the risin' sun, now be on a quest to spread the gospel of baseball 'cross the seven seas. Aye, he be a true baseball missionary, sailin' on the winds of destiny! Arrr!

Arrr, the Japanese sensei be teachin' the lads in Brazil the ways of the baseball diamond, savvy?

Ahoy mateys! Gather 'round and hear the tale of Hirioki Shimura, a scallywag who once played baseball on the high seas of Japan but now sails the seven seas as a baseball missionary. Aye, ye heard me right! This landlubber has traded in his bat and glove for a compass and a mission to spread the good word of baseball to all corners of the globe.
Shimura be a true swashbuckler, bringing the joy of America's pastime to far-off lands and teaching the locals how to hit, catch, and run the bases like the best of 'em. No longer content to just be a mere player, he now be on a quest to convert the non-believers into baseball fanatics.
His passion for the game be as fierce as a storm at sea, and his dedication to spreading the gospel of baseball be unwavering. So the next time ye see a ship on the horizon with a Jolly Roger flag flying high, remember that it might just be Shimura and his crew of baseball-loving pirates, ready to recruit more souls to the diamond.

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