The Booty Report

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Ye scallywags be wonderin': Can them fancy new surgery tricks match open fer fixin' a busted ovary? Arrr!


Arr matey, it seems that this minimally invasive surgery for the dreaded ovarian cancer does not make a difference in survival when ye be getting the whole tumor out. Savvy surgeons be showin' no fear in cuttin' open the belly like a treasure chest! Arrr!

In the jolly ol' land of medicine, they be talkin' 'bout this minimally invasive surgery for ovarian cancer. Aye, they be sayin' that it don't make much of a difference in survivin' compared to the traditional open surgery, as long as them tumors be fully removed. Arrr, it be quite the revelation, me hearties!
So, ye may be wonderin', why bother with all them fancy gadgets and tiny incisions if it don't be makin' a lick o' difference in the end? Well, that be a question for the ages, me mateys. Perhaps it be a matter o' comfort for the patient, or mayhaps it be quicker healin' times. Who knows?
Either way, it be good to know that there be options for treatin' this dreadful disease. Whether ye be optin' for the tried and true open surgery or the newfangled minimally invasive route, the key be gettin' them tumors out completely. And remember, mateys, always listen to yer doctor and trust in their expertise. Arrr!

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