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Arrr! Venezuelan mates be marooned in Mexico, lessenin' the plunderin' o'er the US border, arrr!


Arrr, Venezuelan landlubbers be findin' Mexico to be a treacherous sea to navigate in their quest to reach the U.S. border. The country be crackin' down on immigration like a pirate huntin' for treasure! Aye, 'tis a rough voyage indeed, me hearties!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, Venezuelan migrants face a treacherous journey to the U.S. border, with Mexico being the most challenging stretch. Forget venomous vipers and giant spiders in the jungle; in Mexico, you have to prepare for humans!" said Daniel Ventura, who waited four months to enter the U.S. legally. Mexico's immigration crackdown, at the Biden administration's urging, has hit Venezuelans hard, highlighting the U.S.'s reliance on Mexico to control migration.While arrests of migrants crossing the border have decreased, Mexico's strategy to keep migrants closer to its border with Guatemala is providing temporary relief for the Biden administration. Large numbers of Venezuelans began reaching the U.S. in 2021, and Mexico's efforts to control the influx have included flying migrants home and forcing them from trains.Mexico's recent offer of financial support to deported Venezuelans aims to discourage their return. Despite the dangers and setbacks, migrants like Yessica Gutierrez and Jose Alberto Uzcategui continue to persevere in their quest to reach the U.S. border, where they can enter using the CBP One app.Even with the challenges and risks involved, many migrants, including Marbelis Torrealba, are determined to make it to the U.S., driven by the hope of a better life despite the hardships they face along the way.

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