The Booty Report

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Ye best be watchin' yer exposure to th' sun, lest ye want yer immune system to mutiny on ye! Arrr!


Arrr mateys! Be warned! Too much time in the scorching sun may weaken yer body's defenses, leavin' ye susceptible to sickness and hastenin' the march of heart disease. Take heed and don't be a fool, lest ye find yerself in Davy Jones' locker sooner than ye planned!

Arrr mateys! Listen up, for I bring news from the land lubbers about the dangers of the scorching sun! It be said that if ye find yerself exposed to the blistering heat for too long, ye immune system may be weakened, leaving ye vulnerable to sickness and hastening the march towards Davy Jones' locker. The salty dogs at Medscape Medical News have sounded the alarm, warning us of the perils of frolicking in the sun without proper protection.
So next time ye be tempted to spend hours basking in the sun like a lazy sea turtle, remember the words of the wise medics - excess heat can do ye harm! Keep ye cool, me hearties, and be mindful of the risks that come with excessive heat exposure. Ye don't want to end up with a weakened immune system, do ye? That would be a fate worse than walkin' the plank!

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