The Booty Report

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Arrr! Ship o' landlubbers be takin' an unexpected dive off yonder bridge, sendin' 45 souls to Davy Jones' locker!


Arrr! The land vessel bound for an Easter revelry hath tumbled off yon mountain bridge, plummetin' near 200 feet to Davy Jones' locker, claimin' the lives of 45 scallywags. But a wee lad of 8 summers be the lone survivor of this calamity! Aye, the fates be cruel indeed.

In a tragic turn of events fit for the history books, a bus en route to an Easter festival in South Africa careened off a bridge, plummeting nearly 200 feet and claiming the lives of at least 45 passengers, according to local authorities.The ill-fated bus, making its way from Botswana to Moria for the festive pilgrimage, met its fiery demise when it veered off the Mmamatlakala bridge, plunging into a ravine and bursting into flames.Despite the devastating outcome, one glimmer of hope emerged in the form of an 8-year-old survivor, albeit seriously injured, who was rushed to receive medical attention in Limpopo.An ongoing investigation aims to shed light on the cause of the crash, with responders working tirelessly to retrieve charred remains from the wreckage.Minister of Transport Sindisiwe Chikunga offered condolences to the grieving families, vowing to personally visit the crash site in a show of solidarity.The Easter season, a time of heightened road travel, underscores the dangers of such tragedies, with past years witnessing a grim toll on human lives.The Zionist Christian Church's Moria headquarters attract throngs of faithful pilgrims during this period, drawing in devotees from far and wide.As the dust settles on this somber chapter, the nation mourns the loss of its fallen comrades, a stark reminder of the perils that lie in wait on the open road.

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