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Arrr! The quarrel o'er the nun prayin' fer Hezbollah be stirrin' up a storm in Lebanon's midst, me hearties!


Avast ye scallywags! A nun at a Christian school in Lebanon be askin' the young lads and lasses to beseech the heavens for them Hezbollah fighters in the south! Arrr, a fierce debate be brewin' o'er the place o' them scurvy dogs in our fair land! Aye, me hearties!

In a Lebanese Christian school, a nun urged students to pray for the Hezbollah fighters in southern Lebanon. This sparked controversy online, with some accusing her of brainwashing the children. Others praised her for bravery. The nun's speech highlighted the deep divisions in Lebanon over Hezbollah, especially as tensions with Israel escalate. While some support the Palestinian cause, there are disagreements on how to show that support.Hezbollah, a Shiite group, has strong support in Lebanon but faces criticism for its actions. The nun's call to pray for the resistance fighters was seen as divisive, especially coming from a Christian figure. Critics argue that Hezbollah's actions could drag Lebanon into war and harm the country.Despite the criticism, some Lebanese Shiites believe Hezbollah's actions are necessary for their protection against Israel. The recent clashes have displaced many and caused damage in both countries. While many Lebanese want to avoid all-out war, tensions remain high in the region.The nun's speech was met with mixed reactions, with some parents in the village of Ghbaleh expressing concern. The nun is reportedly taking time for reflection in a monastery amid the controversy.

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