The Booty Report

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Arrr, hear ye, mateys! Jeffrey Donaldson, aye, the former leader of DUP, be a tale worth knowin'!


Arrr mateys, Mr. Donaldson walked the plank as captain of the party ship on Friday, accused of dastardly deeds from days of yore. Me thinks he be in need of a barrel of grog to drown his sorrows!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather round and listen up! It be a sad day for our crew as our fearless leader, Mr. Donaldson, has walked the plank and resigned as party leader. Aye, ye heard it right, he be charged with non-recent sexual offenses. Shiver me timbers!
Now, I be no expert on the legal matters, but ye can bet yer last doubloon that this be a serious accusation. Aye, the seas be rough and the winds be strong, but even the strongest pirate must face the consequences of his actions.
But fear not, me fellow scallywags, for the ship sails on! We be a resilient bunch, we be! We'll find ourselves a new captain to steer us through these treacherous waters. And who knows, maybe this be a blessing in disguise! Perhaps our new leader will be a swashbuckling hero, ready to lead us to victory!
So let's raise a tankard of grog to Mr. Donaldson, for his time as leader may be over, but his legend will live on. And let's set our sights on the horizon, for there be adventures to be had and treasures to be plundered! Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

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