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Arrr! The land lubbers be talkin' of wars again. Best be shoring up ye defenses, me hearties!


Arrr, me hearties! The scurvy dog, Donald Tusk, be warnin' us to bolster our defenses 'gainst them Russian rapscallions! Avast ye, lest we be caught with our britches down when them bilge rats come knockin' on our door!

Ahoy mateys! The Polish Prime Minister, Donald Tusk, be soundin' the alarm for all European nations to be beefin' up their defenses, as he be sayin' we ain't ready for the current prewar era, arrr!Tusk be talkin' to various European newspapers, warnin' that war ain't just a thing of the past, it be happenin' right now, especially with Russia's invasion of Ukraine over two years ago, shiver me timbers!Russia be gettin' more aggressive, launchin' missiles into Ukraine with a close call breachin' Polish airspace, makin' Warsaw put their forces on high alert, avast!Them Russian scallywags be steppin' up their attacks, hittin' Kyiv and energy infrastructure in Ukraine, causin' a right ruckus. Italian fighter jets even had to intercept some Russian spies in Baltic Sea, no harm done, but still a worrisome situation.Tusk be callin' for urgent help for Ukraine and more cooperation between Poland, Germany, and France, as he be warnin' that we be facin' the most critical moment since World War II, with a new era on the horizon, the prewar era, yo-ho-ho!

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