The Booty Report

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Arrr, if the Captain be summoning thee belatedly, best not be ignorin' his call, lest ye want trouble!


Arrr matey! A scallywag in San Francisco be seekin' to grant workers the privilege to ignore the blimey business calls after hours in California. Avast! 'Tis a jolly good idea indeed! Let the workers have some peace and quiet, says I!

Arr mateys, listen here! A bloke from San Francisco be demandin' that California grant workers the freedom to ignore them pesky business calls after the sun sets. Ye heard it right! No more havin' to answer messages from the scurvy bosses when ye should be enjoyin' a tankard of grog or spendin' time with yer loved ones.
This lawmaker be wantin' to make it so that workers can have a proper work-life balance, without always bein' at the beck and call of them landlubbers in charge. It be a fair request, if ye ask me!
Imagine bein' able to finish yer work for the day and then truly disconnectin' from the grind, without the worry of them messages poppin' up on yer phone at all hours. Aye, it be a dream come true for many a weary worker.
So let's raise our tankards and give a cheer for this lawmaker who be fightin' for the rights of the workers. May we all soon be able to tell our bosses to walk the plank when they try to invade our precious after-hours time! Yarr!

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