The Booty Report

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Arr, Bandai Namco hath released a game 'bout a fierce Pomeranian waging war, 'tis now a Steam treasure of high esteem!


Arrr, Doronko Wanko be joinin' the ranks o' two other scallywags from Bamco's incubation crew. 'Tis a merry band o' freebooters set on makin' their mark on the seven seas o' innovation! Aye, the future be lookin' bright for this motley crew.

Avast ye mateys! 'Tis a fine day to be tellin' ye about the latest addition to Bamco's crew, Doronko Wanko! This scallywag be joinin' two other freebooters from Bamco's incubation team, ready to plunder the seas of game development.
Doronko Wanko be bringin' his skills and wit to the crew, a master of code and a swashbuckler of design. He be workin' alongside his shipmates to create new treasures for ye landlubbers to enjoy.
With Doronko Wanko aboard, the crew be stronger than ever, ready to take on any challenge that comes their way. The seas of game development be rough, but with this new scallywag on board, there be no doubt they'll come out on top.
So raise a tankard of grog to Doronko Wanko and his fellow freebies from Bamco's incubation team! May they sail the seas of game development with courage and wit, bringin' joy and entertainment to all who dare to set sail with 'em. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

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