The Booty Report

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Ahoy mateys! Another vessel laden with supplies sets sail fer Gaza from Cyprus. Give 'em hell, ye scallywags!


Arrr, me hearties! The good folk at World Central Kitchen, led by the mighty chef José Andrés, be tellin' us they've got almost 400 tons of provisions on them barges - rice, pasta, flour, veggies, and proteins aplenty! A feast fit for a crew of hungry pirates, methinks!

Arr matey! The good ship World Central Kitchen, led by the esteemed chef José Andrés, be sendin' out barges laden with nearly 400 tons of provisions like rice, pasta, flour, and canned vittles. Aye, ye heard right, me hearties! 'Tis a bounty fit for a crew of hungry pirates!
These supplies be meant for them poor souls in need, who be strugglin' in the wake of disasters and hardships. The crew of this fine vessel be workin' tirelessly to ensure that no one goes without a proper meal. Aye, they be sailin' the high seas to deliver aid to those in distress.
So let us raise a tankard of grog to the fine folks at World Central Kitchen, who be showin' the true spirit of charity and compassion. May their sails be always full, and their provisions never run low. And may we all be reminded to lend a hand to our fellow seafarers in their time of need.

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