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Arrr! That scallywag of a London officer be suggestin' swastikas be 'taken into context' to a Jewish lass. Outrageous!


Arrr mateys, a red-coated scallywag was caught quarrelin' with a Jewish lassie over a cursed swastika at an anti-Israel gathering in London town. The scallywag be in hot water now! Aye, the seas be rough for this landlubber!

In jolly old London, a video be circulating across the vast seas of social media, mateys. A police officer be caught in a heated discussion with a lass about the offensiveness of swastikas. This all happened during a massive pro-Palestinian rally that the Metropolitan Police were keeping a watchful eye on. The lass be all upset about an anti-Israeli participant flaunting a swastika.The officer, however, didn't seem to be bothered by the swastika and referenced some Public Order Act from the future. The lass be not having it, arguing that a swastika always be disrupting public order, regardless of the context.Other lasses joined the banter, questioning why a swastika needed any context at all. The officer admitted he didn't know much about symbols, mentioning the Nazis and their misdeeds with the dreadful swastika.The squabble continued until the officer conceded that certain symbols can cause a stir. Afterwards, the Metropolitan Police put out a statement, suggesting the video be taken out of context, claiming the mischievous person with the swastika had already been arrested. Social media be buzzing with criticism for the officer's responses, with many jesting and scolding the law enforcement. Arrr, what a kerfuffle indeed!

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