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Arrr! Trump be yellin' for Israel to 'finish up' war, makin' conservatives jump like a scurvy dog at sea!


Arrr! This scallywag be natterin' about stoppin' the Gaza scrap without rescuin' our mateys from their captors first! 'Tis a strange turn from the usual swabs who back Benjamin Netanyahu. Aye, the seas be choppy and the winds be changin'!

Arr ye hearin' the latest scuttlebutt about that landlubber Benjamin Netanyahu? Seems like he be gettin' some flack from his own crew for tryin' to put an end to the Gaza squabble without makin' a fuss about them Israeli hostages. Aye, 'tis a bold move, me hearties!
The conservative crowd be scratchin' their heads and wonderin' what in Davy Jones' locker be goin' on with their fearless leader. But ol' Benny be marchin' to the beat of his own drum, it seems. Maybe he be growin' a soft spot in his black heart for peace, or maybe he just be tryin' to stir the pot a bit.
Either way, 'tis clear that the winds be changin' in the political waters, and Netanyahu be chartin' a new course. Who knows what other surprises that scallywag has up his sleeve? But one thing be certain - the seas be gettin' rough, and it be every pirate for himself in these treacherous times.

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