The Booty Report

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Arrr, mateys! Them scallywags in California be gettin' more doubloons for slingin' fast grub! Aye, a raise indeed!


Arrr, ye scallywags must now be paid a booty o' at least $20 an hour, near the top o' what the lowly landlubbers be makin' in this fine country. Aye, the plunderin' be gettin' costly aboard this ship!

Arr matey, listen up ye scallywags! The land lubbers have decreed that all workers must now be paid at least $20 doubloons an hour! That be near the top of what the lowly minimum-wage earners make across the whole country. Shiver me timbers!
Ye best believe the crew be celebratin' this news! No longer shall we be forced to scrape by on measly wages. We be livin' like kings and queens, indulgin' in all the finest treasures that our hard-earned coin can buy. Aye, it be a glorious day indeed!
But beware, me hearties, for this news might not sit well with the scurvy dogs who be holdin' the purse strings. They be grumblin' and growlin' about the extra loot they be havin' to fork over to us hard-workin' pirates. But fear not, for we be standin' strong and united in our quest for fair pay!
So raise a tankard of grog and toast to our victory, me mateys! We be sailin' into uncharted waters with our pockets jinglin' with gold. Let the land lubbers tremble at the thought of our newfound riches, for we be the true rulers of the seven seas!

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