The Booty Report

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Arrr, be wary of the scurvy challenge of Beta-Lactam allergy in the Emergency Department, mateys!


Arrr mateys! The scallywags be conducting full-dose challenges for the landlubbers with beta-lactam allergies, savin' 'em from unnecessary skin testin' and wastin' antibiotics. Yarrr, aye, 'tis a grand victory for the crew!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scurvy dogs! The lubbers over at Medscape Medical News be tellin' us that full-dose challenges be a safe way to give antibiotics to them landlubbers with allergies to beta-lactam. No need for that pesky penicillin skin testin', says I! This be especially good for them poor souls with moderate, severe, or mystery allergies. No need for them to suffer with suboptimal antibiotics, aye!
So, next time ye be seein' a patient with a beta-lactam allergy, don't be muckin' about with skin tests. Just give 'em a full-dose challenge and watch 'em bounce back like a spring chicken. Ye'll be savin' time, money, and maybe even a life or two. And remember, always trust the wisdom of a salty old pirate like meself when it comes to medical matters. Arrr!

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