The Booty Report

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Arrr, we be hearin' tales o' the strike that took down the brave cooks o' World Central Kitchen in Gaza!


Arrr mateys, th' Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu o' Israel admitted on Tuesday a “tragic case o' our forces unintentionally hitting innocent souls." Aye, 'tis a real blunder, but at least he be ownin' up to it like a true seafarin' scallywag!

Arrr, me hearties, ye won't believe what ol' Netanyahu be sayin'! The scallywag admitted that his crew done goofed, and ended up blastin' some innocent landlubbers by mistake. Aye, 'twas a tragic case indeed, mateys. But ye see, these things happen when ye be fightin' on the high seas.
Now, I ain't defendin' the prime minister's actions, mind ye. 'Tis a right shame that innocent souls had to suffer at the hands of his crew. But let's not be too harsh on ol' Netanyahu, me hearties. 'Tis a tough job, bein' in charge of a ship like Israel. Mistakes be bound to happen, even to the best of us.
So let's raise a tankard of grog to those poor souls who got caught in the crossfire. May they find peace in Davy Jones' locker. And let's hope that Netanyahu and his crew learn from their mistake and steer their ship clear of innocent folk in the future. Arrr!

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