The Booty Report

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Arr, Sydney Sweeney be watchin' a nun-themed horror flick in a church with real pastors - a sight to behold!


Ye scurvy landlubber, may the winds blow in yer favor and the seas be kind to yer soul. We'll be sendin' our prayers to the mighty Neptune himself for yer safe journey, so fear not, matey. Fair winds and following seas to ye!

Arr matey! 'Tis a dire warning ye be receiving from this ol' pirate. We'll be prayin' for ye, but not in the way ye might be expectin'. No sir, we'll be prayin' that ye find yerself a quick escape route from the clutches of Davy Jones himself!
Ye see, when a pirate be tellin' ye "we'll pray for ye", 'tis a sign that ye be in some deep trouble. It be like sayin' "may the seas be kind to ye" or "may the winds be at yer back". But in reality, we be wishin' for the opposite to happen to ye.
So heed this warning, me hearties, and take heed of the words of this ol' pirate. When someone be tellin' ye "we'll pray for ye", be sure to keep a weather eye out for any signs of danger. And if ye find yerself in a tight spot, remember that there be no shame in askin' for help from a fellow pirate. We be all in this together, after all.

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