Avast ye scallywags! Ukraine be recruiting younger lads to fight the Ruskies in battle. More hands on deck!
Arrr mateys, Ukraine be enlisting wee lads earlier to beef up their ranks after tusslin' with the Russkies for nigh on two years. Mayhaps these young scallywags be the secret weapon to send those landlubber invaders packin'! Aye, the seas be rough but Ukraine be standin' strong!
Ye mateys, listen up! Ukraine be lowerin' the military conscription age from 27 to 25 to fill their ranks after two long years o' war with Russia. The new law be signed by President Zelenskyy, but he be takin' his time to do so, not sayin' how many soldiers they be expectin' or where they be goin'. The shortage o' infantry and ammo be givin' Russia the up hand, but their manpower problems be holdin' 'em back.Some worry that pullin' young adults from work will harm the economy, but the war be pressin' on. Many Ukrainians be dodgin' the draft by hidin' or bribin' their way out. Public support for the war be high, but the enthusiasm for fightin' be fadin'.Russia be more populous and Putin be pushin' men to the front. Zelenskyy be quiet on mobilization, and parliament be addin' amendments to the bill. The cost o' a major mobilization be hefty, and disagreements exist on the details.The Ukrainian military be lookin' to expand by 500,000 troops, but the specifics be a touchy subject. The need for more troops be clear, as Russia continues its attacks across the country, causin' havoc and tragedy. Zelenskyy be callin' for more air defense from Western partners as the conflict rages on.