The Booty Report

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Great rumble in Taiwan! Many scallywags injured, death toll be climbing to the heavens, arrr!


Arrr mateys, a mighty quake in Taiwan be takin' nine souls to Davy Jones' locker, topplin' buildings like a drunken sailor! A tsunami warning be raised, so batten down the hatches me hearties! Aye, 'tis a rough sea we be sailin' in!

Arr mateys, a mighty earthquake did shake the whole island of Taiwan early on a Wednesday, takin' the lives of nine souls, leavin' hundreds injured, and bringin' down buildings in the southern city. Aye, a tsunami warnin' even rang out for them southern Japanese islands.The fire department in Taiwan reported nine souls lost in the mountainous county of Hualien, where the quake struck. More than 800 souls were injured, with 50 missin' aboard minibuses. Buildings collapsed, with many trapped, includin' 60 souls in a tunnel near Hualien city.The U.S. Geological Survey rated the quake at 7.4 magnitude, while Taiwan's agency said it was 7.2. Aftershocks rattled the island, and a tsunami warnin' was issued for parts of Japan. Train service was halted, but in Taipei, life went on as usual.Thankfully, the tsunami threat to the West Coast and Hawaii was dismissed. Taiwan, sittin' on the volatile "Ring of Fire," knows the terror of earthquakes all too well. Let us hope for the safety and recovery of all affected by this natural disaster.

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