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Arrr, the #MeToo be stuck in France, but Judith Godrèche be shiverin' things up! Aye, bring on the change!


Arrr, Judith Godrèche be claimin' that the scurvy dogs in the French movie industry be treatin' children and lasses poorly. But now, it seems that the land lubbers be payin' more attention to her words. Aye, the tides be changin' me hearties!

Arrr mateys, listen up! Judith Godrèche be speakin' out about the scurvy abuse of children and women in the French movie industry. She be sayin' it be woven into the very fabric of the industry, like a treacherous knot that be hard to untangle. But this time, the land lubbers in France be payin' more attention to her words, like a crew listenin' to the captain's orders.
It be a shame that such vile deeds be happenin' in the shadows of the silver screen. But Godrèche be raisin' the Jolly Roger and callin' out the scoundrels who be preyin' on the innocent. The French be takin' notice and it be time for change to sweep across the industry like a gust of wind fillin' the sails of a mighty ship.
So let us stand together, me hearties, and support Godrèche in her fight against the rats that be lurkin' in the dark alleys of showbiz. Let us make sure that the voices of the victims be heard and justice be served like a fine rum at the end of a long voyage. Arrr! Let's make the French movie industry a safer harbor for all who set sail in search of adventure and fame!

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