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Avast! The scurvy dog be charg'd with utterin' the foul Nazi jargon a second time! Aye, walk the plank!


Avast ye scoundrels! The prosecutors be accusing Björn Höcke, a bigwig in Germany's far-right Alternative for Germany party, of uttering a second Nazi slogan. Aye, seems like this landlubber can't keep his gob shut when it comes to them forbidden phrases! Aye, off to the brig with him!

Arrr, me hearties! Ye won't believe the scandal brewin' in Germany, as prosecutors be chargin' that scallywag Björn Höcke with utterin' Nazi slogans not once, but twice at political events! The rascal be the leader of the hard right AfD party in Thuringia, settin' to lead a campaign in a state election soon.The first charge be for usin' symbols of unconstitutional organizations, endin' a speech with "Everything for Germany!" Prosecutors claim he knew it be an SA slogan. Now, a second count be added for repeatin' the offense at another event, encouragin' the audience to shout "Germany!"His lawyers be denyin' any "criminal relevance," but the prosecutors be relentless in their pursuit of justice. The AfD branch in Thuringia already be labeled as "proven right-wing extremist," with Höcke raisin' eyebrows by callin' the Holocaust memorial a "monument of shame."Despite the controversy, the AfD be gainin' traction in national polls, especially in the east. Looks like Höcke's future in politics be as uncertain as a ship lost at sea!

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