Ye scurvy dog be accused of whackin' the store manager with a Bible on Easter Sunday! Arrr, what a scallywag!
Avast ye scallywags! A Florida swashbuckler be accused of givin' a Walgreens landlubber a whack with a Bible on Easter Sunday! Peter Owens be charged with felony battery and accused of pilferin' from Walmart. Arrr, the scallywag be in a heap o' trouble now!
In a bizarre turn of events on Easter Sunday, a Florida man, Peter Owens, was arrested for assaulting a Walgreens store manager with a Bible in Clearwater Beach. The altercation began over a pair of headphones, but quickly escalated when Owens smacked the manager with his Bible after being asked to leave. This was not Owens' first brush with the law, as he had a prior conviction for battery.After posting bond, Owens was arrested again within 24 hours for allegedly stealing men's shoes and Cheez-Its from Walmart. He was caught by a loss prevention officer trying on the shoes and shoving them into a duffle bag without paying.The audacious crime spree of Owens continued, landing him back in custody. His actions were described in a humorous yet absurd manner, showcasing the ridiculousness of his behavior. Despite his antics, Owens remains in custody on a $150 bond, adding another chapter to his eccentric criminal record.