The Booty Report

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Arrr, some scurvy dogs be feelin' the burnout from this cursed long COVID voyage, aye!


Arrr! The scurvy dogs of the medical profession be sufferin' from pandemic fatigue just as much as us landlubbers be strugglin' with the long haul of the foul COVID! Some be too proud to seek help, but a good dose of grog and rest be the cure for all ailments!

Arrr matey, it be a rough seas for our brave doctors as they face pandemic burnout, a curse as persistent as long COVID be for our unfortunate patients. The salty dogs of the medical world be workin' their bones to the marrow, tending to the sick and wounded without respite. But alas, some of these scallywags be too stubborn to seek treatment for their own afflictions.
Ye see, these fine doctors be as resilient as a sturdy ship in a storm, but even the toughest of sailors need a break now and then. It be like tryin' to sail the Seven Seas without a compass or a map – a foolish endeavor indeed! So, me hearties, let us raise a toast to our tireless healers and encourage them to take a moment for themselves, lest they be runnin' aground.
Remember, even the fiercest pirates need to rest and recover before settin' sail again. So, to all ye doctors out there sailin' through rough waters, don't be afraid to ask for help when ye need it. The crew be here to support ye in these troubled times. Fair winds and following seas to all!

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