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Ye scallywags from Colombia be havin' a proper row with the military as they break the ceasefire! Arrr!


Arrr mateys, the Colombian military be ambushed by a scurvy rebel group spawned from the old Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia! 'Tis a fine mess we be in, as they be breakin' the key ceasefire agreement like a scallywag! Aarrrr!

Avast ye landlubbers! Colombia be under attack by a scurvy group of miscreants! These bilge rats, born from the ashes of the infamous Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, be causin' chaos in the war-torn southwest with their explosives and firearms. A brave soldier be wounded in the skirmish, a blow to the good ol' army.The scallywags violated a truce by attacking a peaceful Indigenous community, leadin' to the suspension of the ceasefire. President Gustavo Petro, a former guerilla himself, be in a pickle as he promised "total peace" when he took office, but these rascals be makin' trouble.The injured soldier, standin' guard in Tumaco, be struck by shrapnel from a grenade tossed by a scurvy dog on a motorcycle. In Cali, another explosive device be thrown at a military facility, but no harm done.The army be battlin' these FARC dissidents in the regions of Valle del Cauca, NariƱo, and Cauca, but they be fightin' back with all they got. Petro be tryin' to bring peace by addressin' root causes like poverty, but these scallywags be takin' advantage of ceasefires to expand their nefarious operations. Aye, the seas be rough in Colombia, me hearties!

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