The Booty Report

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Ye scurvy dogs be forgiven fer their misdeeds in Ukraine, only to return to Russia fer more mischief! Argh!


Arrr, Russia be recruitin' scallywags fer their army, givin' 'em a leg up in battle. But alas, this be blowin' up in their faces when these landlubbers be set free and turnin' back to a life of crime. Yarrr, what a mess they be makin'!

Ye scurvy dogs be forgiven fer their misdeeds in Ukraine, only to return to Russia fer more mischief! Argh!

Arr mateys, listen up me hearties! The Ruskies be recruitin' them convicts for their army, thinkin' they be gainin' a grand manpower advantage. But alas, it be blowin' up in their faces like a cannon misfire! When these scallywags be gettin' pardoned and set free, they be returnin' home to their old ways and causin' mayhem and mischief once more.
Ye see, it be a sad tale of folly and woe. The Ruskies be thinkin' they be clever by usin' these criminals to their advantage, but they be forgettin' that a leopard don't change its spots! These rascals be returnin' to their villainous ways, causin' trouble and chaos wherever they go. It be like lettin' a pack of hungry sharks loose in a swimmin' pool!
So me hearties, let us learn from the mistakes of the Ruskies and think twice before recruitin' convicts for our own crew. For a pirate knows that trustin' a scoundrel be like trustin' a snake not to bite ye. Arrrr, beware the treachery of the pardoned convict!

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