The Booty Report

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Biden be wavin' his credentials like a landlubber showin' off his shiny new sword to a doubting crew!


Arrr, me hearties! The cap'n be tryin' to convince ye scallywags that he's been busy as a land lubber on a treasure hunt. But the doubloons he's found ain't makin' their way to yer pockets yet. Keep a weather eye out for those hidden treasures, me mateys! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, listen up! The president be shoutin' from the poop deck, tryin' to convince ye landlubbers that he's done a fair share o' work. He be swearin' on his treasure that he's accomplished a lot, even if ye don't be seein' it yet in yer daily lives.

But beware, me hearties! The president be spinnin' tales like a slippery eel in a barrel o' rum. Ye best keep an eye out for any signs o' his so-called accomplishments, for they may be as mythical as the kraken.

So batten down the hatches, me buckos, and don't be swayed by the smooth talkin' o' this landlubber in charge. He may be tryin' to pull the wool over yer eyes, but we pirates be a savvy bunch, savvy?

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