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Avast mateys! The constables stumbled upon 7 unfortunate souls in Mexico, 5 sans heads and 1 in pieces. Aye!


Arrr, me hearties! The scurvy dogs in Mexico be findin' seven poor souls in a carriage on the high road. Five with their heads chopped off and one completely torn asunder! 'Tis a gruesome sight to behold, aye! May the sea gods have mercy on their souls!

In one of Mexico's bustling cities, authorities made a gruesome discovery of seven bodies, with five decapitated and one completely dismembered, left in a car amidst traffic on a main expressway. Prosecutors from Puebla revealed that each body had messages accusing them of different crimes, from drug dealing to extortion. The state's chief prosecutor, Gilberto Higuera, shared that handwritten notes detailed the reasons for each killing.While Higuera did not explicitly mention drug cartels, the method of leaving messages on bodies is often associated with cartel violence. These killings seemed to be about asserting dominance and recruitment, indicating a power struggle among criminal organizations in the region.In a city relatively untouched by cartel violence, such a public display of brutality was shocking. The bodies left on the expressway disrupted traffic and drew swift police attention. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the ruthless tactics used by cartels to establish control and instill fear in communities.

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