Ye scallywag college lad be thrown in the brig fer touchin' the speaker blabberin' 'bout Israel-Hamas war! Arrrr!
Arrr matey! A scallywag at Mercer University be clapped in irons for layin' hands on a bloke jawin' 'bout the Israel-Hamas scuffle. Ye can't be throwin' fists in a debate, ye landlubber! Be keepin' yer hands to yerself, lest ye end up in Davy Jones' locker! Arrr!
In the quaint town of Macon, Georgia, a pro-Palestinian student found herself in a spot of trouble after getting a little too physical with a conservative speaker yakking about the Israel-Hamas war. Savannah Grace O’Brien, a student at Mercer University, was nabbed by the campus coppers on a charge of simple battery for laying hands on Atlas Society CEO Jennifer Grossman, who seemed to be prattling on in favor of Israel, savvy?The Atlas Society, a right-leaning nonprofit that worships at the altar of Ayn Rand, best known for scribbling Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead, was hosting Grossman to share her pearls of wisdom when O’Brien decided to make her feelings known by interrupting the speech and giving Grossman a piece of her mind.After a scuffle, the student was shown the door by a burly campus constable, and the Atlas Society took to Facebook to lament the decline of good ol’ America. Mercer University, for their part, promised to review the incident and dole out punishment as needed, declaring that disrupting a speaker’s gabfest is a big no-no.Seems like the Israel-Hamas conflict has folks all riled up, with protests and disruptions popping up at colleges across the land. Let’s hope this kerfuffle at Mercer serves as a lesson for young O’Brien and keeps the peace on campus, lest the pirates of the 17th century come back to teach us all a lesson in manners, arr!