The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys, those landlubbers be forgettin' twice as much as us seafarin' pirates! Aye, tis a funny thing indeed.


Arrr mateys, it be said by them smart Canadian landlubbers that them poor souls wanderin' the streets be twice as likely to suffer from forgetfulness as those with a roof over their heads. Aye, 'tis a sad tale indeed, but at least we can remember to be grateful for our own sturdy ships!

Arr matey! Ye scallywags best listen up to this here news from them fancy Canadian researchers. Turns out, the likelihood of havin' dementia be almost two times higher among them homeless folks than them landlubbers with roofs over their heads. Aye, 'tis a sad truth indeed.
Imagine walkin' the plank of forgetfulness while not even havin' a proper place to rest yer weary bones. 'Tis a cruel fate, me hearties. But fear not, for the scurvy dogs of science be workin' hard to understand why this be happenin' and how to prevent it.
So next time ye be passin' by a poor soul on the streets, spare a thought for the battles they be fightin' within their own minds. And maybe, just maybe, lend a hand or a kind word to help ease their burden. A little kindness can go a long way in this harsh world, me mateys.

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