The Booty Report

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Arrr! The old sea dog from Starfield and Skyrim be singin' praises for Dragon's Dogma 2's sneaky design trick!


Arrr matey, when ye can't round up them scallywags for more lines, ye be stuck in a pickle like a landlubber in a storm! Ye be left scratchin' yer noggin like a parrot with a flea infestation, wonderin' what to do next. Aye, tis a cruel fate indeed!

Arrr matey, ye be in a right pickle if ye can't get them scurvy actors back for new lines! 'Tis like trying to navigate the treacherous seas without a compass or a map. Ye be stuck in Davy Jones' locker with no hope of escape!
Ye be left with no choice but to splice together the words they already spoken, like patching up a torn sail with old rags. 'Tis a task fit for a landlubber, not a seasoned pirate like meself.
Ye might try to find a clever way to make their old lines work for the new scenes, like a crafty sailor rigging a makeshift mast out of driftwood. But beware, for the audience be sharp as a cutlass and they'll see through yer tricks in a heartbeat!
So ye be left with no choice but to sail into uncharted waters, improvising and ad-libbing like a drunken sailor at the helm. Who knows what strange shores ye might wash up on, but with a bit of luck and a lot of rum, ye just might make it out alive!
So next time ye be in need of new lines and the actors be nowhere to be found, just remember to keep a weather eye on the horizon and a sense of humor in yer heart. After all, we be pirates, and there be no problem too big that a hearty laugh and a swig of grog can't solve!

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