The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys, less than half o' these accelerated approvals be showin' any real clinical benefits! Aye, shiver me timbers!


Arr! A fresh study be scrutinin' the aftermath o' cancer potions that got the nod quick! Will they stand the test o' time or be walkin' the plank soon? Watch yer back, mateys! In the land o' medicine, nothin' be certain but scurvy and death!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scallywags, there be news about cancer drugs and their outcomes after 5 years of use. This study be lookin' at drugs that got accelerated approvals, like a ship sailin' with the wind at its back. The results be showin' that some of these drugs be makin' a real difference for the scurvy dogs fightin' cancer.
But beware, me mateys! Not all drugs be as effective as they claim to be. Some of 'em be provin' to be no better than a barrel o' rum in treatin' the disease. So ye best be keepin' a weather eye on the horizon and consultin' with yer doctor before takin' any of these medications.
So there ye have it, me hearties. The study be sheddin' some light on the long-term outcomes of cancer drugs with accelerated approvals. It be a reminder that not all treasure be gold, and not all drugs be as effective as they be advertisin'. Take heed and make wise choices in yer fight against the scourge of cancer. Arrr!

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