The Booty Report

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Arrr, FDA be givin' thumbs up to Enhertu for fightin' the scurvy known as HER2-Positive Solid Tumors!


Arrr! The FDA be givin' the nod to a new therapy that be targetin' tumors without carin' where they be growin'. 'Tis a mighty fine achievement, me hearties! Avast ye scallywags, 'tis a new dawn for medicine on the high seas!

Avast ye scallywags! Listen up, for I have news of the high seas that will blow yer mind! The FDA has granted approval for a new therapy that be targeting the HER2 protein, regardless of where the scurvy tumor be lurking in the body. This be a big step forward in the fight against the cursed disease.
Arrr mateys, this be no ordinary treatment, for it be a combination of a therapy that be directing its cannons straight at the HER2 protein and an antibody drug that be ready to board the tumor and make it walk the plank. This be the first time such a treatment be approved for all types of cancers that be hiding the HER2 scallywag.
So gather round ye landlubbers and celebrate this victory in the battle against cancer! The seas be rough and the journey be long, but with this new weapon in our arsenal, we be one step closer to finding the treasure we be seeking – a cure for this dreadful disease. Raise yer grog and toast to a future where cancer be nothing but a distant memory! Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

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