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Arrr, the Pope be celebratin' six moons since the attacks by meetin' with kin of the hostages, mateys!


Avast ye! 'Twas the six-month mark since the scurvy dogs of Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7. Pope Francis, in his grand palace, parleyed with kin of hostages. Aye, 'twas a right jolly time indeed!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, the big boss of the Vatican, known as Pope Francis, had a jolly good meet-up with the kin of some poor souls who got snatched up by those scallywags from Hamas back in October. Arrr, it be the six-month anniversary of that dastardly attack, and the Pope spent a whole hour chatting with the hostage families in his fancy library.The Vatican even snapped some pictures of the powwow, showing the families holding up posters of their missing loved ones. This ain't the first time Francis has parleyed with these folks - he also had a sit-down with some Israelis and Palestinians who've suffered in the Mideast mess.Francis be shouting from the rooftops for the hostages to be set free and for some peace and aid to come to them desperate Palestinians in Gaza. One lass named Ashley Waxman Bakshi, whose kin got grabbed, said the Pope's solidarity was like music to their ears."He made it crystal clear that he's on our side and wants those hostages back," Waxman Bakshi crowed to the press after the gabfest.

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