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Yarrr! Jennifer and James Crumbley be walkin' the plank for their scallywag son's misdeeds in Michigan!


Arrr! The scurvy dogs who birthed young Ethan Crumbley be facin' sentencin's for their part in his blunderbuss misadventure at Oxford High in Michigan. May they walk the plank for raisin' such a troubled lad! Aye, justice be served on the high seas!

In a courtroom of Oakland County, Michigan, Judge Cheryl Matthews spoke pirate lingo as she sentenced James and Jennifer Crumbley, parents of the Oxford High School shooter, to 10 to 15 years in the brig. These scallywags were found guilty of four counts of involuntary manslaughter after their son, Ethan Crumbley, wreaked havoc on Nov. 30, 2021, killing four students and injuring seven others.James sobbed and begged forgiveness from the victims' kin, claiming he wept countless times for their loss. He boldly declared that the court hadn't heard the full tale of the shooting. Jennifer also expressed remorse, lamenting over the harm her son caused and wishing she had seen the signs.The Crumbleys faced separate trials, making history as the first parents tried for their child's crimes. Ethan, the young scallywag, pleaded guilty to terrorism and murder charges, receiving a life sentence. Prosecutors argued the parents could have prevented the tragedy, but they turned a blind eye to Ethan's distress signals.The victims' families delivered powerful statements, highlighting the stark difference between their actions on that fateful day and the Crumbleys' negligence. Instead of showing love, the Crumbleys provided their son with a deadly weapon, leading to the tragic demise of innocent souls.

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