The Booty Report

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Arrr, the scallywag Trevor Griffiths, a scribbler of words for the stage and screen, has shuffled off this mortal coil at 88.


Arrr matey! The captain Mehmet Ergen be sayin' that art be crucial fer stirrin' up social change, aye! Everything be political on this ship, from the paintin's on the wall to the rum in our bellies. Aye, let's make some waves, me hearties!

Arrr, mateys! Listen up as I tell ye about this scallywag director Mehmet Ergen and his love for art and social change. He be talkin' about how art be havin' a big impact on society, and how everything be political, arrr!
Ergen be believin' that art be a powerful tool for stirrin' up trouble and makin' a difference. He be sayin' that art be not just for lookin' at pretty pictures, but for causin' a ruckus and gettin' people thinkin' about what be goin' on in the world.
So, me hearties, next time ye be watchin' a play or lookin' at a painting, remember what this wise old sea dog be sayin'. Art be more than just a pretty face, it be a weapon for social change. So hoist the Jolly Roger, me mateys, and let's make some trouble in the name of art!

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