The Booty Report

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Arrr matey, beware the treacherous tales of contraception! Separate truth from pirate fiction, lest ye find yerself with a scallywag spawn.


Arrr, me hearties! Beware the scallywags on the interwebs spewing falsehoods 'bout contraception safety! Don't be fooled by these self-proclaimed experts! Trust only ye doctor's wisdom on such matters, lest ye be led astray on the treacherous sea of misinformation! Aye, me mateys!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scallywags, fer I bring ye news of a treacherous sea of misinformation that be plaguin' the world of contraception! Patients be drownin' in false tales spread by landlubbers who claim to be experts on the internet and social media. These scurvy dogs be spewin' lies about the safety of contraception, leadin' poor souls astray with their deceitful words.

But fear not, me mateys! We must be wise like the old sea dogs and steer clear of these treacherous waters. Don't be fooled by these impostors who pretend to know the ways of the pill and the patch. Trust only in the guidance of true experts and seek out reliable sources of information on the matter.

So hoist the sails and beware the siren song of false information about contraception, me hearties! Let us navigate these perilous waters with caution and vigilance, for the safety of our crew and our ship be at stake. May we sail into safe harbors of knowledge and leave behind the treacherous seas of lies and deceit!

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