The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys! These SGLT2 inhibitors be helpin' with scurvy blood in them with T2D and CKD! Aye!


Arrr mateys! Takin' SGLT2 inhibitors o'er GLP-1 RAs be showin' a 19% lessenin' o' risk fer scurvy outcomes in hearties with T2D an' CKD stages I-III. Listen t' this tale from Medscape Medical News, ye scurvy dogs!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scallywags! A recent study found that startin' treatment with SGLT2 inhibitors instead of GLP-1 RAs can lower the risk o' developin' anemia by 19% in patients with type 2 diabetes and stages I-III o' chronic kidney disease. That be a mighty fine discovery, me mateys!
So, if ye be sufferin' from the sugar sickness and yer kidneys be in a bit o' trouble, ye might want to consider talkin' to yer doctor about takin' them SGLT2 inhibitors. It could be the difference between feelin' like a landlubber or a true buccaneer!
Remember, me hearties, it be important to always follow the advice o' yer healthcare provider when it comes to treatin' yer ailments. Don't be takin' matters into yer own hands like a scallywag! Trust in the wisdom o' the medical professionals!

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