The Booty Report

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Israel be ready to give those scallywags a taste of their own medicine, ye can bet on it! Aye!


Arrr mateys! The scurvy dogs at Iran state media be playin' tricks on us! They be takin' down a report sayin' they be closin' the skies over Tehran, claimin' an attack on Israel be comin'. Ye can't trust these landlubbers! Aye, me hearties!

Arrr mateys! Israel be warnin' all ye scallywags that dare to strike 'em, ye be met with a strong defense! Ayatollah Ali Khamenei o' Iran be vowing to retaliate against Israel for the attack on their Syrian consulate, but Israel be ready to fight back!Israeli Defense Minister Gallant be sayin' they be preparin' surprises for their enemies and know how to respond quick and decisive to any attack on their territory in the Middle East.Foreign Minister Israel Katz be warnin' that if Iran dares to attack from their territory, Israel will strike back directly at Iran itself!Khamenei be likenin' the attack on their consulate to an attack on Iranian territory, swearin' that the evil regime must be punished. The tension be escalatin' between the two sides, with threats and warnings bein' thrown about.Israel be bracin' for a response from Iran after the attack, with the U.S. and allies also warnin' of possible retaliation. The war between Israel and Hamas be continuin', with casualties on both sides bein' disputed.

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